Analyzes directory

Our daily updated online index for laboratory medical analytics is available on this page for reference purposes, downloading or printing. The names of the individual tests /parameters are listed both in German and English in the online index. By entering either the German or English term in the search function you can directly access the relevant parameter.

More detailed information on the individual analyses is however only available in German language. Should you have any questions on sample materials, preanalytics or indication please contact the specific MVZ sectors or send a mail.

  • The Laboratory Medicine and Human Genetics departements have been continuously accredited by the DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO 15189:2014 since 2005.
  • Hospital hygiene and water analytics at MVZ Dr. Eberhard & Partner have been accredited by the German accreditation body DAkkS to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005

The current accreditation certificate will gladly make our QM office available to you on request.

To request analyses from abroad, please use this form Clinical Lab Request.




App Labmed

Our current daily online test programme for mobile devices. App Labmed can be downloaded here for iOS/Apple (iPhone, iPod, etc.) or Android.

Contact microbiology

Mikrobiologie der Laboratoriumsmedizin Dortmund

Balkenstraße 17-19
44137 Dortmund

Mo.-Fr. 7.30-17.00 Uhr
Sa. 7.30-12.30 Uhr
So. nach tel. Vereinbarung

Site plan
Overview addresses house 1-5
117 KB pdf

House 1


Zugang / Anmeldung:
Betenstraße 7

44137 Dortmund


Zugang Patientinen / Patienten für Blutentnahme, Probenabgabe, private Vorsorge, MPU, Reisemedizin
NEU: Betenstraße 7, 44137 Dortmund

Humangenetische Sprechstunde

Dr. med. Annemarie Schwan
Dr. med. Stefanie Schön
Dr. med. Judith Kötting

Hansastr. 67 (Hansakontor Garteneingang)

44137 Dortmund

House 2

Mikrobiologie, Infektions-PCR

Balkenstraße 17-19
44137 Dortmund

House 3

Analytik Laboratoriumsmedizin und Humangenetik

Probenannahme für Fahrdienst, Taxi, Paketdienste, Speditionen
Warenannahme (Rolltor links)
Kein Patientenverkehr!

Balkenstraße 12-14
44137 Dortmund

House 4 - Hansakontor

Endokrinologie, Diabetologie, Rheumatologie, Humangenetik, Schulungszentrum

Hansastr. 67 (Hansakontor Garteneingang)
44137 Dortmund

Zentrum für Endokrinologie, Diabetologie, Rheumatologie

Dr. med. F. Demtröder & Kollegen

Hansakontor, Silberstr. 22, 3. OG
44137 Dortmund

Humangenetische Sprechstunde

Dr. med. Annemarie Schwan
Dr. med. Stefanie Schön
Dr. med. Judith Kötting

Hansastr. 67 (Hansakontor Garteneingang)
44137 Dortmund


Schulungszentrum des MVZ

Silberstraße 22
44137 Dortmund

House 5 - Triagon Dortmund

Hormon- und Stoffwechselzentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche

Triagon Dortmund
Alter Mühlenweg 3

44139 Dortmund

Hormonzentrum für Kinder und Jugendliche

Prof. Dr. med. Richter-Unruh & Kollegen
