Analyzes directory
Our daily updated online index for laboratory medical analytics is available on this page for reference purposes, downloading or printing. The names of the individual tests /parameters are listed both in German and English in the online index. By entering either the German or English term in the search function you can directly access the relevant parameter.
More detailed information on the individual analyses is however only available in German language. Should you have any questions on sample materials, preanalytics or indication please contact the specific MVZ sectors or send a mail.
To request analyses from abroad, please use this form Clinical Lab Request.
Laboratoriumsmedizin Dortmund
44137 Dortmund
Zugang und Anmeldung Patientinnen / Patienten: | Abgabe Proben Einsender Fahrdienst, Lieferanten: |
Betenstraße 7 | Balkenstr. 12-14 |
Sprechzeiten Blutentnahme, Abgabe Proben durch Patienten, private Vorsorgemedizin, MPU, Reisemedizin | Materialannahme von Einsendern |
Mo-Fr: 8:00-13:00 Uhr und 14:00-16:30 Uhr | Mo-Fr: 7.30 -17.00 Uhr |
GFLiD Dispatch material and distribution
- +49 2306 94096-80
- +49 2306 94096-83
GFLiD Dispatch material, distribution, transport
Andreas Orwat
- +49 2306 94096-60
- +49 2306 94096-63